Curb Appeal Checklist

  • Inspect the outside ground. Remove any building materials, scrap wood, discarded household items, etc. from the property. Store garbage cans in the garage.
  • Check the home from the roof line down.
    • Is the roof free and clear from obstructions and moss?
    • Are the gutters clear and neatly hung?
    • Are the windows clean and free from obstructions (such as overgrown bushes or trees)?
    • Are bushes, trees and shrubs neatly pruned?
  • Inspect the condition of the paint or siding?
    • Is it time to power wash the siding?
    • Is touch up paint needed?
    • Is the front door in good shape?
  • Do flower beds need an upgrade?
    • Are plants neatly pruned?
    • Is the bed free and clear of weeds?
    • Is the bed properly mulched?
    • Are flowers in bloom?
  • Keep the lawn neatly groomed.
    • Is the lawn free from weeds?
    • Is the lawn free from grass clippings?
    • Is the lawn neatly edged?

Great real estate transactions don’t just happen.

They are created.