We are proud supporters of the Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization
A Very Big Thank You to Our New Corporate Sponsors – Brian and Donna Andrus!
Brian and Donna have signed their company, Stonebridge Real Estate Company, Inc, on as Corporate Sponsors in support of the Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization’s work to restore the health of the natural world through the implementation of science-based solutions that make sense and work for all involved.
“We all have a responsibility to take care of the Earth – it is our home! And in one’s home, one must be both hygienic and responsible in how one handles and cleans up toxic materials, economically reuses recyclables, ensures waste is properly treated, etc. We are proud to support the work of The Earth Organization with its extremely laudable goals.”
Our sincere thanks to the Brian and Donna and their expert team of professionals!
Barbara Wiseman
International President
Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization

Every day is “Earth Day” at The Earth Organization as we tirelessly focus on restoring healthy environments around the world. As our members and supporters know, we are a unique non-profit that:
- first, identifies the source of a specific environmental issue;
- then finds a logic-based solution that will work for all involved;
- works out how best to implement that solution; and then
- gets that model into the hands of those who will broadly put it into action to bring about healthier conditions for all life and the environment.

Community Learning Center Charity Golf Tournament

Acheiva Foundation Charity Box Car Rally

Winter Wonderland

Say No to Drugs Race

FGCAR Charity Golf Tournament

Broker Brian Andrus got to touch the Stanley Cup and celebrate the Tampa Bay Lightning just outside our Stonebridge offices!

2nd Annual MLK Center Benefit Gala Program 18 June 2022
Community Learning Center Champion Award
We support the following Charities and Non-Profit Organizations:
A Place For Kids
Acheiva Credit Union Box Car Rally to Support Local Schools
Applied Scholastics
Beth Dillinger Foundation’s Clothes Closet for Children
Boys & Girls Club
Boy Scouts of America
Citizens Commission on Human Rights Golf Tournament
Cherish The Children Foundation
Clearwater Academy Golf Tournament
Clearwater Chamber of Commerce aka Amplify Clearwater
Clearwater Community Volunteers Easter Egg Hunt
Community Learning Center
Criminon Florida
Delphi Academy Jog A Thon
Ebony Awakening & the Martin Luther King Jr Community Center
Everybody’s Tabernacle’s Homeless Emergency Project
Fashions With Flair Charity Fashion Show
Florida Gulfcoast Commercial Realtors Assn Charity Golf Tournament
Foundation For A Drug Free World
Foundation for Human Rights
Foundation For Religious Freedom
Humanity Philanthropic Foundation for Children’s and Youth Services
Narconon Florida
National Kidney Foundation
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Navy Seal Foundation
Our Children Have Rights
Public Defender Bob Dillinger’s Nourish To Flourish
Say No To Drugs Annual Race
Suncoast Rehab Charity Golf Tournament
The Children Foundation
The Earth Organization
The Red Cross
Victims of Katrina
Youth For A Drug Free Florida
Youth For Human Rights
Winter Wonderland
World Literacy Crusade